Improving Your Chances For Opening A Successful Business

Why You Should Hire A Professional To Design Your Business Website

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Nowadays, it’s pretty much a necessity to have a website for your business. After all, if you want people to be able to find and learn more about your business — and if you want to make sure that you keep up with your competitors — then you should definitely have a website. There are some platforms that are designed to make it possible for you to make your own website, but you probably will not want to use one of these platforms. Read More»

5 Mobile Marketing Solutions All Clients Should Know

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The world of mobile marketing services is rich with options. For many clients, especially those new to mobile marketing solutions, it can seem like a blur. You can simplify things a bit by focusing on the following 5 options everyone should be aware of. Apps If you’re familiar with anything in the domain of mobile marketing, it’s probably apps. Notably, apps aren’t always the best marketing tools unless you can offer clear value to end-users. Read More»

What Can An Online Marketer Do For Realtors?

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As a realtor, you’ll need to market yourself. You need to position yourself in a place of visibility so when people want to buy or sell their home, calling you is an easy decision. Many people who go into realty don’t have an extensive background in marketing. You can try to learn everything yourself on the fly, but there will probably be key elements that you miss. Instead of trying to run your own marketing campaign, hire an online marketing professional for assistance. Read More»

3 Reasons To Attend A Lead-Generation Seminar

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You might have heard about lead-generation seminars, but you might have never thought about attending one. If you have an interest in online marketing, though, you could be thinking about attending a lead-generation seminar. These are three reasons why this might just be a good idea. 1. Learn More About the Best Current Marketing Strategies If you are a business owner or marketing professional, you probably want to stay up-to-date on all of the newest and best lead-generation and general marketing strategies. Read More»

4 Signs Your Website's Navigation Strategy Is Failing

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Websites are excellent marketing tools, but don’t forget that they are also a primary source of information. Unfortunately, when consumers can’t find the information they need on your site, they’re more apt to return to the search engine and look for another company that offers similar services or products. Often, navigation issues are to blame for information disconnects. 1. Links Are Misleading If the links on your site are misleading, you likely have navigation issues. Read More»