Improving Your Chances For Opening A Successful Business

3 Reasons To Attend A Lead-Generation Seminar

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You might have heard about lead-generation seminars, but you might have never thought about attending one. If you have an interest in online marketing, though, you could be thinking about attending a lead-generation seminar. These are three reasons why this might just be a good idea. 1. Learn More About the Best Current Marketing Strategies If you are a business owner or marketing professional, you probably want to stay up-to-date on all of the newest and best lead-generation and general marketing strategies. Read More»

4 Signs Your Website's Navigation Strategy Is Failing

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Websites are excellent marketing tools, but don’t forget that they are also a primary source of information. Unfortunately, when consumers can’t find the information they need on your site, they’re more apt to return to the search engine and look for another company that offers similar services or products. Often, navigation issues are to blame for information disconnects. 1. Links Are Misleading If the links on your site are misleading, you likely have navigation issues. Read More»

Making An E-Commerce Website: What To Know

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If you’re hoping to drop-ship or sell products you make yourself, your e-commerce site needs to be professional. With all the templates out there, you may think that you’ve got it made. However, templates are just the start of what you need to know about web development and user satisfaction. What web details should you consider? 1. Colors The first thing customers will see on your site is the color palette you’ve chosen. Read More»

5 Things Your Website Should Have to Offer Customers

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When you have a website for your customers to peruse, there are certain things that you should make sure your website contains. Here are five of those important elements. 1. Easy navigation is a must When someone loads your website, they want to go to the information they are looking for without needing to click on a lot of pages that have nothing to do with the information they need. Your website should tell visitors about your company and what it does on the home page. Read More»

Working To Grow Your Social Media Brand

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Whether you’re a music artist trying to put together merchandise sales and a tour, or a lawyer wanting to build your clientele base, it’s all about social media marketing. By learning the ins and outs of social media, you can learn how to connect with the biggest possible audience in the world.  Right now, there are about 3.4 billion people on social media, and this number will only keep getting bigger. Read More»