What Can An Online Marketer Do For Realtors?
As a realtor, you'll need to market yourself. You need to position yourself in a place of visibility so when people want to buy or sell their home, calling you is an easy decision. Many people who go into realty don't have an extensive background in marketing. You can try to learn everything yourself on the fly, but there will probably be key elements that you miss. Instead of trying to run your own marketing campaign, hire an online marketing professional for assistance. Here are three services an online marketer can provide:
1. Real Estate Lead Generation
Most realtors are paid on commission, which means you only get paid when you buy or sell a house. Placing an ad in the paper offering your services isn't enough. You need to keep feeding your pipeline of sales by consistently generating new leads. An online marketing expert can help you with lead generation. By searching the web for people who are trying to sell their house, your online marketer can put you in touch with people who need your services. Once you have a list of leads, contact them promptly to see if you can start a working relationship.
2. Custom Website Design
When people want to know more about a person or service, they turn to the internet. If you want to be taken seriously as a realtor, you need to have a website. A shoddy, poorly designed website can actually hurt your business because it can make you look unprofessional. An online marketer can design a custom real estate website for you. A good website should feature a professional headshot of you, a small biography, and your contact information. If you only operate within a certain locale, that information should be readily available as well. Your online marketer can guide you through the process of inputting information so all the copy on your site is on-target and relevant to your audience.
3. Social Media Advice
Most people spend a significant portion of their day on social media. It's where people get their news and entertainment. It's even where they talk to their friends. Social media advertising can be highly effective if you do it right. When done wrong, inappropriate social media advertising can come across as spammy or tacky. An online marketing expert has worked with realtors in the past. They know which social media tactics are effective, and they can pass their advice on to you.