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4 Tips For Designing An SEO-Friendly Website

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If you want people to find your website, you need to ensure that it is designed so that its search engine optimization (SEO) potential is optimized. This will increase the chance that someone will find your website based on searching for the keywords that you optimize the website for. Creating an SEO-friendly website will make it easier for search engines to crawl your website. 

Use a Responsive Design

When choosing the design for your website, you are going to want to choose a use a responsive website template. What this means is that the website is going to adjust how it responds based on the device that is used to connect to the website. That means that if someone is looking at the website on a desktop computer or a small phone, the design is going to change based on who is looking at the website. That is called a responsive design and will allow you to alter the way that you interact with the website. 

As more and more people access the internet with mobile devices, it is especially important that the design is responsive for mobile. 

Fast Loading Time

Second, you need to ensure that your website has fast loading times. In order for your website to load quickly, the images need to be the right size, and you need to minimize the amount of content on the website. You can run an audit to see how quickly each website page loads. People don't like to stick around when a website takes too long to load; people have short attention spans and will move on to something else if your page takes too long to load. If the page freezes when someone is looking at it, they are likely to leave your site as well. 

Keep Descriptions and Titles Unique

Third, you need to keep the descriptions and titles for each page unique. You need to ensure that each page has a title that isn't like the title for any other page on the website. You also need to ensure that the description is unique as well. This helps with search engine indexing and provides information to visitors about what the webpage is about. 

Streamline URL Structure

Finally, stick to a clean URL structure. You want the format for the URL to be clean and easy to follow. The URL should be lowercase, and should only use dashes to separate words. You need to ensure that the URLs are descriptive, contain keywords, and help visitors understand the flow of your website.

There are so many components to a responsive website. You want to ensure that you have a responsive design, that you have fast loading times, that you keep descriptions and titles unique, and that you use a streamlined URL structure.  

For more information, contact an SEO website development company. 
